by silverservers | Dec 7, 2019 | RRR Aerial Tours
630 ACRE RANCH located just off the Jackfish Lk Road approx 30 km from Chetwynd BC. 2001- Log timber home with an open layout and huge master on main. 2 more bd down in the partially finished basement. 50’ X 120′ pole barn, pens, 4 self waters & small lake...
by silverservers | Oct 1, 2019 | RRR Aerial Tours
4130 CONTIGOUS ACRE “working” Cattle ranch in NE BC. Fully self-sustained with a capacity of 300 C/C pairs + 180-240 Yearlings. Active rotational program on hay land & pastures, approx. 1000 acres hay yielding up to 2360/1600 lb bales. 8′ fenced...
by silverservers | Oct 1, 2019 | RRR Aerial Tours
A wildlife sancturay with limited access. This secluded property offers 311 acres of pure nature loving activties. Approx 1 mile of river front, trails & grass meadows. A rural experience in the BC North. Located approx 45 min West of Dawson Creek BC. Private,...
by silverservers | Oct 1, 2019 | RRR Aerial Tours
A stunning 2093 contiguous acre cattle ranch capable of running 200-250 AMU’s This ranch is self-sufficient with hay, water and pasture. The fencing has been strategically implemented to permit effective rotational grazing throughout the various seasons and...
by silverservers | Apr 25, 2019 | RRR Reads
Nyla LePine has listed a Treed 1/4 section with beautiful mature Aspen and some Spruce. West of Dawson Creek in the Groundbirch area, with pavement to property. Seller has a timber mark in place and states there is $35,000-$50,000 worth of timber. Build your own dream...